Mobilising experiences of migration

On the relational work of study circle leaders with asylum seekers


  • Sofia Nyström Linköping University
  • Magnus Dahlstedt Linköping University
  • Andreas Fejes Linköping University
  • Nedžad Mešić Linköping University



Asylum seekers, migrants, popular education, study circle leaders


Adult education and its teachers have an important role when it comes to providing knowledge that prepares asylum seekers for a potential life in a new country of residence. In this article we focus on the study circles organised by study associations and analyse the way study circle leaders (SCLs) mobilise their experience of migration in their work with asylum seekers. The article is based on interviews with SCLs and managers, who have been SCLs themselves, and by drawing on a social psychological approach, we analyse SCLs’ relational work with the participants. The analysis shows that SCLs’ migrant background is mobilised as a pedagogical resource and has a prominent influence on the relationship with the participants. However, the relationship is a balancing act, since there is a risk that the asymmetrical pedagogical relationship becomes more symmetrical and thus turns into friendship, guardianship and/or social work.


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How to Cite

Nyström, S., Dahlstedt, M., Fejes, A., & Mešić, N. . (2020). Mobilising experiences of migration : On the relational work of study circle leaders with asylum seekers . European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 11(3), 321–333.

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