Gender sensitive research in adult education: Looking back and looking forward to explore what is and what is missing in the research agenda


  • Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska University of Warmia and
  • Cristina C. Vieira University of Coimbra
  • Barbara Merrill University of Warwick



Despite legislation, policies and practice, and while some progress has been made in many countries, there are still no countries who have achieved a hundred per cent gender equality (Gender Equality Index, EIGE, 2019). Over the years this has included several supranational agreements and mandatory regulations signed by countries such as the Convention of the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW, 1979), the Platform of Beijing (1995), the Istanbul Convention (2011), and more recently the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2015), among others. The failure of these initiatives indicate that gender inequality, discrimination and prejudice suffered by women are embedded in structural unequal power relations. The ultimate goal of the ‘gender mainstreaming principle’ is the integration of a gender perspective into the preparation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation policies, regulatory measures and spending programmes (including research ones), with a view to promoting gender equality between women and men, and combating discrimination.


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How to Cite

Ostrouch-Kamińska , J., Vieira , C. C., & Merrill, B. (2021). Gender sensitive research in adult education: Looking back and looking forward to explore what is and what is missing in the research agenda. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 12(2), 129–133.

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