Gender and Polish family discourse in adult education:
informal learning of spouses
Adult education, Dual-career family, Gender, Gender equality, Informal learning in a familyAbstract
The main aim of the paper is to reconstruct the family discourse in adult education in Poland in the context of the gender research perspective present in this discourse. The narrative starts from an analysis of the family as a place of informal learning and the family research in adult education, as well as family learning/informal learning of adults in a family, to come to an analysis of the gender approach in adult education and gendered learning of adults, as well as researching gender in the Polish family discourse present in adult education. In reference to the latest literature and analyses of different contexts of family research in adult education, both international and Polish, at the end the author presents a small part of the findings from the biographical research it was conducted on a dual-career family and the process of constructing gender equality in marriage as an example of gendered family discourse in adult education.
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