Professionalisation and quality management

struggles, boundaries and bridges between two approaches


  • Regina Egetenmeyer Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany
  • Bernd Käpplinger Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany



Professionalisation, professionals, quality management, standards, key competencies


The quality of adult educators is on the agenda of European educational policy and the scientific community in Europe. In these contexts, professionalisation and quality management are often conflated. This paper is based on the hypothesis that quality management and professionalisation follow two different approaches. The paper outlines the two approaches with a focus on their two different logics. After a brief comparison of the two approaches, the paper examines the conflation of these two approaches in the expertise Key competences for adult learning professionals (Research voor Beleid, 2010). The paper ends with a plea for acknowledging the boundaries between professionalisation and quality management, and shows ways of building bridges between them without neglecting their essential differences.


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How to Cite

Egetenmeyer, R., & Käpplinger, B. (2011). Professionalisation and quality management: struggles, boundaries and bridges between two approaches. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 2(1), 21–35.