Categories of distinction in programme planning


  • Clara Kuhlen
  • Regina Egetenmeyer



Categories of distinction, programme planning, target groups


The paper provides an analysis of the categories of distinction seized by programme

planners in adult and continuing education and the underlying reasoning arguments to

reasoning them. The analysis of 14 interviews shows that in their target group

orientation, programme planners make use of the categories gender, migration

experience, age, educational needs and dis/ability. The categories of distinction are based

on their attribution as individual characteristics, as characteristics for grouping

individuals, as characteristics of shared expectations and as occupation- and

employment-related characteristics. The findings point to a need for encouraging

awareness and critical reflection about categories of distinction.


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How to Cite

Kuhlen, C., & Egetenmeyer, R. . (2022). Categories of distinction in programme planning. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 13(2), 159–169.