Social exclusion in public policies and the micropolitics of an association founded by migrants
social exclusion, migrants, public policies, micropolitics, adult educationAbstract
The theme of social exclusion has gained visibility in recent years through political discourse. This paper problematises the issue of social exclusion by analysing the hegemonic discourse in public policies and the alternative discourse grounded on the policies of an association, a civil society organization, facilitated by migrants and their descendants. The analysis is the result of a participatory research study based on the collection of documentation and semi-structured interviews. The hegemonic discourse on social exclusion was analysed through empirical data from the perspective of those who inhabit and/or intervene in a neighbourhood that is the object of public policies targeting the so-called 'excluded'. Several paradoxes were identified between the social exclusion discourses conveyed in public policies and in the micropolitics of this association. The discourse, goals and working methods that characterise the micropolitics of the association contribute to the emergence of new forms of singularisation, through adult education initiatives.
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