Member education in three Finnish parliamentary parties

Analysing the purposes and preconditions through the lens of practice architectures




political parties, party-political education, theory of practice achitectures


This study investigates the purposes and corresponding preconditions of member education practices in three Finnish political parties using the theory of practice architectures. To accomplish this, it examines the educational endeavours of three Finnish parliamentary parties—namely, the Centre Party of Finland (Suomen Keskusta), the National Coalition Party (Kansallinen Kokoomus) and the Social Democratic Party of Finland (Suomen sosiaalidemokraattinen puolue). The study draws on the theory of practice architectures, which provides a framework for examining the arrangements comprising the preconditions underlying practices—that is, purposeful endeavours based on established human courses of action. The research questions addressed in this study are as follows. What are the main purposes of education within the studied political parties? What preconditions enable or constrain the educational practices related to those purposes? The findings reveal that the Centre Party of Finland aims to foster expertise among its entire membership in a consistent and impactful manner, emphasising educational planning and supporting political ambition. Moreover, the National Coalition Party’s political education aims to foster members’ expertise and success, as supported by individualisation, while the Social Democratic Party of Finland’s party-political education focuses on engaging members and renewing the party, which are pursued through offering open educational opportunities and considering both local preconditions and historical knowledge. In conclusion, the identified purposes seek a balance between ensuring equality and supporting hierarchy among the party membership, while the identified preconditions indicate understandings of the political party as either a collective actor or an arena in which individual political actors operate.


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Author Biography

Annika Pastuhov, Åbo Akademi University

Annika Pastuhov (PhD) is a post-doctoral researcher at Åbo Akademi University in Finland. Her current research project “Member Education in Finnish Parliamentary Parties - extent, aims and pathways to influence” is supported by Academy of Finland under grant 339398.


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How to Cite

Pastuhov, A. (2024). Member education in three Finnish parliamentary parties: Analysing the purposes and preconditions through the lens of practice architectures. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 15(2), 199–216.



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