Taking risks

Exploring ecofeminist, climate-just popular education


  • Astrid von Kotze University of the Western Cape and University of KwaZulu-Natal https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4720-4639
  • Shirley Walters University of the Western Cape




Popular education, ecofeminism, climate justice, risk, Nature


The climate catastrophe is a clarion call to humanity to change how we live. How do radical popular educators respond to this call? We ‘join the dots’ using climate justice, ecofeminism and our own insights from our engaged activist scholarship as theoretical positions to explore this question.  Dominant Western worldviews which separate humans from other life forms contribute to ecological degradation.  For climate justice, this hard-wired worldview needs to be disrupted. Drawing on multiple examples from Africa, we conclude that ways to do this require the foregrounding of cognitive justice which includes recognising the validity of multiple knowledges, learning from others and supporting communities’ in their struggles for reparation, reclamation and conservation of their land. These actions can be amplified in engagements which disrupt the unsustainable behaviour and policies of the wealthy. We argue that radical popular education in these times is climate just and ecofeminist.


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How to Cite

von Kotze, A., & Walters, S. (2023). Taking risks: Exploring ecofeminist, climate-just popular education. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 14(1), 17–33. https://doi.org/10.3384/rela.2000-7426.4324