Propaganda as a (new) challenge of civic education


  • Tetyana Kloubert Catholic University Eichsätt-Inglostadt/Augsburg University



propaganda, indoctrination, Bildung, Mündigkeit, autonomy, Adorno, plasticity of human beings, instrumentalization of education


This paper argues that propaganda poses a (new) challenge to civic education. It examines the tension between education and propaganda in relation to civic education for adults considering (1) civic education as protection against propaganda attempts and (2) propaganda as a possible element of civic education. This paper explores didactical approaches and core principles of civic education that strive to both resist and deal with propaganda. The core proposal of the paper is to root civic education in the tradition of the German concepts of Bildung and Mündigkeit in order to contrast civic education with propaganda or manipulation.


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Author Biography

Tetyana Kloubert, Catholic University Eichsätt-Inglostadt/Augsburg University

Deputy Chair for Adult Education,


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How to Cite

Kloubert, T. (2018). Propaganda as a (new) challenge of civic education. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 9(2), 139–159.