Walk-centric deliberations

Connecting space, place, and learning


  • Rolf Ahlrichs Protestant University of Ludwigsburg
  • Peter Ehrstöm Åbo Akademi University




deliberation, adult education, walk-centred method, social sustainability


This article outlines methods of practice-oriented teaching at universities integrating democracy, sustainability, and learning in adult education.. The methods highlight the potential for democratic innovation in local communities in which diverse perspectives come together to address societal challenges. With a focus on sustainability and the connection among place, space, and pedagogy it introduces ‘Voice-Resonance Walks,’ a deliberative method piloted in Stuttgart, Germany, for social work education. It also highlights pilot deliberations at the district (Mini-Studentlab Deliberative Walks) and cityscape (Public Transport Walks) levels in Hamburg, Germany, involving interdisciplinary student groups in lifelong learning. These examples illustrate how higher education institutions are engaging with the public sphere, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups of citizens and on fostering civic learning. They aim to equip students with the knowledge and skills to become future experts, decision-makers, and active citizens, capable of understanding the challenges facing both their local neighborhoods and diverse urban spaces.


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Author Biographies

Rolf Ahlrichs, Protestant University of Ludwigsburg

Prof. Dr. Rolf Ahlrichs is Professor of Theory and Practice of Social Work specialising in youth and adult education at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg since 1.3.2020. His research focuses on democracy education and participatory research, particularly in the practice of extracurricular youth work and in the context of transformation processes in contested areas.

Peter Ehrstöm, Åbo Akademi University

Dr. Peter Ehrström is since 1.1.2020 Head of Research and subject head in Regional Science at Åbo Akademi University as well as Associate Professor (Docent) in Regional Science (especially Urban Policy). His research has concentrated on urban and rurban transformation processes and (social) sustainability, civic learning processes in transforming cityscapes and the relations between place, society and popular culture. His position as Head of Research is a Professor-level position at ÅAU.


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How to Cite

Ahlrichs, R., & Ehrstöm, P. (2024). Walk-centric deliberations: Connecting space, place, and learning. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 15(3). https://doi.org/10.3384/rela.2000-7426.5107