Directive adult education by political actors

Orientation expectations towards adults in Germany




directive adult education, democracy, discourse analysis, paternalism, pedagogization


This paper presents for discussion two empirically grounded theses. First, political actors educate adults, and second, in doing so, they use directive forms of education; that is, they expect adult members of society to adopt certain orientations. Following a theoretical discussion on the directive education concept and its relevance to public pedagogy, the methodology (discourse analysis and documentary method) is explained. Then, three approaches to directive adult education demonstrated by political actors are empirically analysed: (1) directive political education is employed by political party leaders when, in the face of a potential U-turn of their party, they try to change the core political convictions of party supporters; (2) newcomers to society are directively educated to adopt democratic role orientations; and (3) in social fields in which practices are standardised by laws but cannot sufficiently be controlled, directive education for the common good can be observed. These types of directive education used by political actors are discussed vis-à-vis the concepts of paternalism and pedagogization.


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Author Biography

Arnd-Michael Nohl, Helmut Schmidt Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Holstenhofweg 85 22043 Hamburg

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arnd-Michael Nohl
Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft, insbesondere systematische
Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften


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How to Cite

Nohl, A.-M. (2025). Directive adult education by political actors: Orientation expectations towards adults in Germany. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 16(1), 59–74.



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