'I feel different…'

Learning experiences and identities of African students in higher education





Biographical learning experience, identity, African students, higher education, Portugal


Accessing higher education is a biographical learning experience for all students, which can promote transformations in individuals’ identities. This article aims to investigate the implications of biographical learning experiences on the students’ identities. We will explore African students’ biographical learning experiences in Portuguese higher education and how they shaped their identities. Biographical learning and identity theoretical perspectives were adopted. This is a qualitative study that used biographical interviews with 22 African students enrolling at Portuguese higher education. The content analysis carried out has been organized into 2 themes: biographical learning experiences and identity transformations. The results of the study show that African students gained new knowledge and skills and became more independent and autonomous. They develop their self-confidence and open-mindedness through a new way of seeing the world. Thus, African students’ experiences in higher education contributed to the formation and transformation of their identity.


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Author Biographies

Catarina Doutor, CEAD, University of Algarve

Catarina Doutor holds a PhD in Education at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon (Portugal). She is a researcher at Research Centre on Adult Education and Community Intervention (CEAD).  Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Algarve (Portugal). Her research interest includes adult education, transitions to higher education, biographical learning, identity and racism.


Natália Alves, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon

Natália Alves is Associate Professor of Adult Education and Sociology of Education at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon (Portugal) and hold a PhD in Sociology of Education at University of Lisbon (Portugal). She is a researcher at the Research and Development unit of Education and Training, and researches in the areas of Sociology of Education and Adult Education. Her main research interests include youth and adult education policy in general and VET policies and practices in particular and their implications for educational and professional trajectories mainly in what concerns issues of access and success in education and work.


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How to Cite

Doutor, C., & Alves, N. (2024). ’I feel different…’: Learning experiences and identities of African students in higher education . European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 15(1), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.3384/rela.2000-7426.4778

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