Dialogic popular education in Spain and its impact on society, educational and social theory, and European research





dialogic education, popular education, learning communities, successful educational actions, Freire


Dialogic popular education developed by La Verneda-Sant Martí School for Adults in Spain, influenced by the work of Paulo Freire, has had a range of significant social and educational impacts. Starting with an emancipatory approach to eradicate oppression, this dialogic popular education resisted and has transformed aspects of the Spanish educational sphere despite ongoing hindrances and difficulties. This article presents a path of events, a history of interventions and findings from research on how dialogic popular education has affected and changed educational practices as well as how research is approached elsewhere in Europe. In addition, it presents ways in which a radical commitment to social change can be combined with scientific standards in the pursuit of achieving a better society for all.


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Author Biographies

Laura Ruiz-Eugenio, Universitat de Barcelona

Laura Ruiz-Eugenio is associate professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona. She is the leading the research project “ALL WOMEN. The empowerment of all women through adult education for a sustainable development (2021-2024)” funded by Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government and the European Social Fund by the EU. Her research focuses on successful educational actions that improve learning and values, emotions, and feelings in all age groups- She has developed research in different universities such as University of Edinburgh (UK).

Itxaso Tellado, University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia

Itxaso Tellado is associate professor and director of the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia. Her research interests are social and educational practices for inclusion. She studies adult education and learning communities, cultural groups, and gender in education. Recent projects include studies of gender violence prevention. She has served as the UNESCO Chair on Women, Development and Cultures at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia. Currently is co-convenor of the network 10. Teacher Education Research of the European Educational Research Association.

Rosa Valls-Carol, Universitat de Barcelona

Rosa Valls-Carol, Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona, is deputy director of the CREA, Community of Research on Excellence for All. She has more than 25 years of experience in research projects on gender issues, gender violence, feminist studies, adult education, and the inclusion of vulnerable groups; among them she was the main researcher of the pioneering research on Gender Violence in Spanish Universities.

Regina Gairal-Casadó, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Regina Gairal-Casadó, postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Pedagogy at Rovira i Virgili University. Her line of research focuses on education, academic inclusion, social cohesion, and personal wellbeing of vulnerable groups, focusing on children and adolescents in care, migrants, and ethnic minorities. In this line, she has participated in competitive projects and has published the results in indexed peer review. international journals.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Eugenio, L., Tellado, I., Valls-Carol, R., & Gairal-Casadó, R. (2023). Dialogic popular education in Spain and its impact on society, educational and social theory, and European research. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 14(1), 47–61. https://doi.org/10.3384/rela.2000-7426.4325

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