Aggression, recognition and qualification

On the social psychology of adult education in everyday life


  • Kirsten Weber Roskilde University, Denmark



Professional identity, recognition, emotional aspects of adult learning, pedagogue, social work


The article analyses the emotional aspects of a professional training process in the light of the participants' experienced societal status. A detailed text analysis of interviews with a group of social pedagogue staff in Danish Youth clubs focuses on a particular vulnerability and their aggressive perception of other students with social problems, and interprets it partly as a reaction on the paradoxical situation adults in continuing education, and partly in the perspective of their experience of not being recognized as a profession. The last section of the article further explains the deep hermeneutic text analysis applied, which combines psychoanalytical concepts of socialisation with a language game approach.


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How to Cite

Weber, K. (2010). Aggression, recognition and qualification: On the social psychology of adult education in everyday life. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 1(1-2), 113–129.