The role of adult educators towards (potential) participants and their contribution to increasing participation in adult education - insights into existing research


  • Aiga von Hippel Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany



Target group orientation, participant orientation, competences of adult educators, increase in participation in adult education


Increasing participation in adult education and addressing certain (disadvantaged) target groups is not only a professed aim of educational politics on both the national and the international level, but also a pedagogical goal. Target group and participant orientation are fundamental concepts in this process. This article discusses results of a recent German research project which examined the perspective of adult educators. The question is raised as to how far adult educators believe that target groups and participant oriented quality and the promotion of competences among adult educators may contribute to an increase in enrolment in further education. By examining the attitudes of adult educators with regard to target groups and participant orientation possible ways of improving target group participation and participant orientation on the institutional level are suggested. Furthermore, the article touches upon research questions, asking how research on potential participants and actual participants could be linked to research on educational programmes and the profession.


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How to Cite

Hippel, A. von. (2010). The role of adult educators towards (potential) participants and their contribution to increasing participation in adult education - insights into existing research. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 1(1-2), 33–51.