Contradictions in adult education structures and policies in Austria

their interrelation with the professional development of educators


  • Lorenz Lassnigg Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Austria



Lifelong learning, Austria, adult education, teachers and trainers, professionals


This article analyses the structural influences on the professional development of adult educators and their relation to education policy using Austria as a fairly average example of the diversity in European adult education. The position of adult education is first analysed in the course of the development of a lifelong learning strategy, showing a set of basic contradictions that are institutionally embedded in educational practices and policies. The consequences of these constellations for professional development in adult education are then examined, and a policy analysis undertaken based on institutional theory and using literature, documents and secondary data. This analysis shows that the contradictions in the institutional structures and policies inhibit both the development of a lifelong learning strategy as well as the professional development of adult educators. The competence development and quality assurance approaches adopted in Europe contribute only very modestly to the development of adult education in Austria.


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How to Cite

Lassnigg, L. (2011). Contradictions in adult education structures and policies in Austria: their interrelation with the professional development of educators. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 2(1), 37–55.