LGBTI Sexualities and intersectional research
Looking for inclusion beyond gender in Adult Learning and Education (ALE) Practices
Adult learning and education, gender minorities and intersectionality, gerontology, LGBTI, sexuality educationAbstract
We examine testimonies pertaining to the integration of a gender perspective beyond the dichotomy man-woman into practices of affective-sexual adult learning and education (ALE). We are interested in inclusive practices able to expand voices from specific vulnerable groups against discriminations and multiple oppressions among the aged when belonging to LGBTI Communities. The framework is based on post-feminist contributions, to allow for a democratic understanding of gender equality as well as to integrate population sectors suffering from different types of gender-based violence, such as non-heterosexual, trans and intersex people. The narrative literature review method was chosen, and international scientific search engines and databases were consulted to find literature in Portuguese, Spanish and English. A total of 25 educational interventions were selected for analysis. To discuss the data, we resorted to Barragán’s (1996) theoretical models. The results show a small number of internationally documented experiences on affective-sexual education with the elderly and adults
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