Just facilitating access or dealing with diversity? Non-traditional students’ demands at a Spanish university
Attention to diversity, higher education, inclusive education, non-traditional students, qualitative researchAbstract
More and more the university institutions welcome a heterogeneous student population. In this article we analyse the main characteristics and needs of the so-called Non- Traditional Students in order to contribute to the development of more equitable conditions and improve their participation and holistic development. To this end, a qualitative study has been carried out at a Spanish university, which explored the experience of a diverse group of this type of student body. The results pointed out to a high level of motivation, determination and greater effort on the part of the group, in comparison with their mates. However, the traditional pedagogy was not suited to their characteristics and created difficulties for them. Few teachers were truly flexible with these students, since an egalitarian (rather than equitable) conception of pedagogical action prevailed. Among other things, we conclude by claiming a comprehensive and personalised education, adapted to their needs.
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