Comparing Popular and State education in Latin America and Europe


  • Liam Kane University of Glasgow, Scotland



Popular education, radical education, social movement education, Latin America


In the 1970s, a radical adult education movement in Latin America, operating outside the state and engaging in what it called popular education, sparked world-wide interest in its educational theory and practice. More recently, with a change in state formations in Latin America, the movement has reconsidered its potential relationship with the state. Though Europe has its own history of popular education, some have argued that advanced economies and welfare states co-opted any strong independent educational movement: today popular education is more likely to take place within and against the state, rather than outside it. Based on literature review, personal interviews and site visits, this article (a) discusses what is understood by popular education (b) outlines the development of popular education in Latin America, examining its relationship with different types of state (c) considers differences between Latin America and Europé and what, if anything, popular educators in the two regions might learn from each other.


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How to Cite

Kane, L. (2013). Comparing Popular and State education in Latin America and Europe. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 4(1), 81–96.