Subordinating careers to market forces?

A critical analysis of European career guidance policy


  • Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic Jönköping University, Sweden



Career, career development, lifelong learning, guidance, European policies


This study explores language regarding career and career development in European policy documents on career guidance in order to disclose underlying view(s) of these phenomena conveyed in the texts. Qualitative content analysis was used to approach the subject in the texts, followed by a sender-oriented interpretation. Sources for interpretation include several sociological and pedagogical approaches based upon social constructionism. These provide a framework for understanding how different views of career phenomena arise. The characterization of career phenomena in the documents falls into four categories: contextual change, environment-person correspondence, competence mobility, and empowerment. An economic perspective on career dominates, followed by learning and political science perspectives. Policy formulations convey contradictory messages and a form of career 'contract' that appears to subordinate individuals' careers to global capitalism, while attributing sole responsibility for career to individuals.


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Citations in CrossRef

John A. Hancock. (2012). The Observation of School Children, The Pedagogial Smenary, 8(3), 1901.

doi: 10.1080/08919402.1901.10533034




How to Cite

Bergmo-Prvulovic, I. (2012). Subordinating careers to market forces? A critical analysis of European career guidance policy. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 3(2), 155–170.