Discursive turns from 'Bildung' to managerialism

Memory-work of the Finnish adult education generations


  • Karin Filander University of Tampere, Finland




Adult education, student generations, memory-work, moral codes, ideals


The article focuses on the struggles over ethos in academic adult education tradition that grows from the frameworks of student generations in Finnish adult education. It brings together elements of present-day analysis and historically sensitizing memory data on generations of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. My interest here lies in how the rhetoric of lifelong learning and education has revised the basic assumptions of adult education. The data suggest that the dominant narrative of adult education is increasingly the discourse of marketization. Finnish present-day student generations seem to have lost their intrinsic connections with the Scandinavian traditions of popular enlightenment and the values of equality and basic logics enabling 'second chances' for all adult citizens within the Nordic welfare state. One of the results of the analysis was the following question: Should we reinvent adult education again from the standpoint of sustainable development of 'ordinary people'?


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Citations in CrossRef

John A. Hancock. (2012). The Observation of School Children, The Pedagogial Smenary, 8(3), 1901.

doi: 10.1080/08919402.1901.10533034




How to Cite

Filander, K. (2012). Discursive turns from ’Bildung’ to managerialism: Memory-work of the Finnish adult education generations. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 3(2), 135–153. https://doi.org/10.3384/rela.2000-7426.rela0073