Paternalistic benevolence – Enabling violence

Teaching the Hegemonic Language in a Double Bind




German language classroom, migration, enabling violence, paternalism, double bind


The transnational empirical project zooms in on ‘German language classrooms’ and the teachers’ task of dealing with the double bind between ‘the need to teach the German language for the empowerment of the learners’ on the one hand and the consequent ‘reproduction of the hegemonic norm of a monolingual society’ on the other. The teachers in the focus of the project work for institutes of adult education with learners who are migrants and refugees living in Germany or Austria. The results show how teachers frame their work through two central positions. The first can be framed as ‘paternalistic benevolence’and the second as ‘enabling violence’. The latter corresponds to a critical stance reflecting on the harm done in learning spaces while still being inevitable in nation states that construct themselves as monolingual unities. Pedagogical professionals looking for a responsible path that reduces the violence done to a minimum will discover interesting reflections on the possibilities of how to find an always uncertain and contradictory place in the interstices.


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How to Cite

Heinemann, A. M., & Sarabi, S. A. (2020). Paternalistic benevolence – Enabling violence: Teaching the Hegemonic Language in a Double Bind. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 11(3), 309–320.